This site hosts reviews and links to the work of author Glenn Cannon

Fiends in Utero
Published by the Write Launch
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photo by NASA on Unsplash

The dire purgatorial ritual is complete. I have lit the fire in the forest, the terrifying fire, the destruction that must precede the creation, tabula rasa, blank slate, based on me tearing humanity to shreds in cutting flames. All is obliterated and all, I hope, shall renew out of this human compost of stricken ash. Tomorrow, I shall reconnect with the world through my various instruments to see its condition, and the consequences of my act. I can only hope the Age of Igorrius is a brief one, and that we may soon emerge into a new dawn, a neo-Eden, with our leafy co-earthlings. Nothing is certain.
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published by Subnivean Literary Journal
Sunshine can't answer a client's general knowledge questions, and that frightens his small band of teenage gigolos.
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Forsaken Blossoms
Ian is in a gang of high-school boys who form a creed against society’s materialism and hypocrisy. One day Ian's mother arranges a mentor for him, Gary, a martial arts instructor back in Melbourne after living in Japan. Ian idolizes Gary at first, but when the gang’s leader, Alpha, rules that Gary represents soft New Age values – not manly virtue – the boys plan their retribution.
“Forsaken Blossoms … examines a type of madness and rage against humanity’s obsession with capitalism – although this time the cause is no external demon but the effect of ideas, disillusionment, and group mentality. It is impossible to read this story and not draw parallels with Graham Greene’s short story The Destructors … Yet while Greene focused upon destruction of the old to make way for the new, Cannon’s boys aim their violence towards the new … the central characters are fascinating to read as they push their ideals to the limit.”
Alice Macfarlan Farrago Newspaper (University of Melbourne Student Union)
"Cannon ... presents a dysfunctional view of comfortable Australian society. Simply an excellent exploration of the social mix.” Jeff Ritchie
"... urban savagery at it's most horrific." Jan Napier Antipodean Speculative Fiction

Hicky Knocky
Hicky Knocky, an environmentally conscious poltergeist haunting a share house, views human beings as a cancer destroying the earth. Possessed by the poltergeist’s violent misanthropy, members of the share house struggle to resist their homicidal urges.
“…Cannon does a remarkable job of summoning madness in his prose … This isn't possession in terms of say William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist, this is more subtle with the possessed person's own personality being taken to extremes. It's a solid approach that in its subtlety is perhaps more chilling than Blatty's out and out assault on the Reader … a strong progression that has the Reader hooked from the first page right through to the final paragraph .” Jeff Ritchie
- for full review go to
“Philosophy as trashy horror. Pulp thriller as social criticism. Hicky Knocky, the imaginative debut novel for local writer Glenn Cannon introduces Australian readers to a new brand of eco-horror.” Theron Loris Polynation magazine
"A violent, disturbing adrenalin rush." Jan Napier Antipodean Speculative Fiction
"The author takes you on a crazy and frightening journey where your adrenaline never stops." Wendy O'Hanlon Acres Australia
Hicky Knocky
Hicky Knocky, an environmentally conscious poltergeist haunting a share house, views human beings as a cancer destroying the earth. Possessed by the poltergeist’s violent misanthropy, members of the share house struggle to resist their homicidal urges.
“…Cannon does a remarkable job of summoning madness in his prose … This isn't possession in terms of say William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist, this is more subtle with the possessed person's own personality being taken to extremes. It's a solid approach that in its subtlety is perhaps more chilling than Blatty's out and out assault on the Reader … a strong progression that has the Reader hooked from the first page right through to the final paragraph .” Jeff Ritchie
- for full review go to
“Philosophy as trashy horror. Pulp thriller as social criticism. Hicky Knocky, the imaginative debut novel for local writer Glenn Cannon introduces Australian readers to a new brand of eco-horror.” Theron Loris Polynation magazine
"A violent, disturbing adrenalin rush." Jan Napier Antipodean Speculative Fiction
"The author takes you on a crazy and frightening journey where your adrenaline never stops." Wendy O'Hanlon Acres Australia
If you would like to read these novels and you have a kindle, you can get them from Amazon:
Otherwise, hard copies of the one book containing both novels can be purchased by emailing: [email protected]
Otherwise, hard copies of the one book containing both novels can be purchased by emailing: [email protected]